"I Love Automobiles!"

"It is indeed a queer thing that while the motor industry is one of the most powerful in the country, no important courses are being given in the schools in automobile design. Such a course should depend upon the closest cooperation between the students and the automobile industry." -HJE

The man who made General Motors great!

Alfred P. Sloan was born in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1875, his father already a successful businessman and investor. The elder Sloan moved the family to Brooklyn, New York. Alfred Sloan later found work there after graduating from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a degree in electrical engineering.

GM National Winners

Some GM VIP’s with top 1937 national winning coaches and model cars (L to R) : Charles F. Kettering (Dir. of Research.) , William S. Knudsen (General Manager of Chevrolet, President of GMC, William A. Fisher (President of FBCG and GM of Fisher Body Division, GMC.)

1946 Grand National Winners

The Gilmore Car Museum hosts the largest Fisher Craftsman Guild model collection ever. Autoweek article indicates the futuristic models might become a permanent installation.

"600,000 Youths Work on Autos of Tomorrow"

That was the headline of a New York Times article of April 2, 1967. Since the end of WWII General Motors had been sponsoring the Fisher Body Craftsman’s Guild, a scaled model automobile design competition. It was a national program promoted through industrial arts programs of our nation’s schools. It offered state and regional cash awards as well as national scholarships valued up to $5000 annually in junior and senior divisions. During these golden years of automobile design, tens of thousands of boys aged 10 to 20 modeled “dream car” and submitted them to the General Motors headquarters for judging. Many of these boys became automobile designers. Prior to the WWII it had been a craftsmanship competition for building model Napoleonic coaches.

This website is dedicated the legacy of the talented boys who participated in the Fisher Body Craftsman’s Guild.

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A Guildsmen’s cooperative legacy project

This site is for all Guildsmen through the years. If you were a Guildsman, or are a custodian of a Guildsman’s model(s) please register and join.